It’s official – Having a clean Sydney office adds to productivity

We have always known that a clean and tidy office will create a better working environment. People who work in a pleasant atmosphere are more likely to come to work, to be more productive, and be more engaged. Common sense about office cleaning, but now there is data to back it up.

Just how dirty are Sydney office desks?

Recent data points to the normal Sydney office desk having some 10 million bacteria running around, to give you some perspective that more than the average toilet seat. If your staff new that fact they may ask for a cleaner environment.

It’s interesting to note that according to The Royal Society in a paper published here that humans do indeed have a natural disgust response as a natural trigger to avoid diseases and infection. Again it would seem like common sense but now there is a paper to back it up. A cleaner office means a happier workforce.

Shared desk spaces lead to increase transmission of bugs, and added traffic and bacteria. On top of your usual sydney office cleaning you should think about supplying staff with sanitary hand wipes, application of wipes have been show reduce transmission of bacteria.

So does a clean Sydney office lead to higher employee satisfaction

We can’t imagine anyone would argue any different it would be common sense and indeed one study in Science Direct they correlated the direct link between a clean and tidy workplace and higher productivity. You can read all about it here.

It’s official a cleaner workplace leads to higher productivity and less sick days, who would have thought?

What to do if your Sydney office isn’t clean enough?

Step one is employ a professional experienced office cleaner. Get someone who has been in the business long enough to understand the value of a clean office, and will go the extra mile. Always get a few quotes, ask questions, and also ask your potential office cleaner what they think you should do, what frequency of cleaning you need, and is there anything else that they can suggest.

Step two is to make it easier for you employees to keep the place clean. Provide them with sanitising wipes, ensure they have adequate rubbish bins, don’t just get your office cleaned create a culture of clean!

If you need an obligation free quote to get a better, cleaner, safer office space we are always happy to help.

For a better commercial cleaner in Sydney and Melbourne, contact us now

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